How I Did On My November Goals + December Goals

. . . Let’s just pretend that it isn’t already the seventh . . . 😉

*clears throat* Hello, guys! Or rather, girls!

Today I’m going to see how I failed did awesomely on my November Goals and make my December Goals!



Flesh-out my novel some more. I found an excellent guide that I think will be really helpful! Kinda! I haven’t quite finished . . . 😛

Write at least five or six days per week. I know that with school and just life in general it won’t be possible to write everyday, although I’d like to, so five or six days it is.😉 Failed. I think that I wrote 470 words TOTAL this month.

Write out ten things per character that the reader will never know. I’ve read that if you do this, these things will be evident in what the character does, and helps make the character more original. I’m eager to see if this works!😀 Failed. That’s one of those things that I haven’t gotten around to yet . . .

Write some short stories as ‘training writing’ when I don’t know what to do. ‘Training writing’ is when I write and experiment with different writing tips that I’ve come across, notice the points that are the hardest for me to write, and practice making dialogue flow, as a few examples. Failed. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have any time that I don’t know what to do with!


Read the Bible as much as possible. Failed. I’m truthfully sorry to say that I have barely read it this month.

Remember to bring my camera with me to take pictures when I go outside. Once I was at this really lovely garden, the morning after it had rained, and there were these pretty droplets on all the flowers and I found this pale pink moss-y stuff on top of a rock that would have looked really good in a photo but I didn’t have my camera and just UGH WHY. *stops ranting* Check! Finally, something that I did!

Take pictures of the sunset as much as possible. It’s so beautiful, each one is a little different and unique!❤ Kinda! I took a few, but they didn’t turn out too well . . .

Do some more drawing with gel pens. I’m doing a drawing that is all concentric circles and flowers that I think will turn out well, but it does take a bit of time. I was inspired by Lisa Congdon’s artwork, which you can see here if you’re interested.🙂 Kinda! I did do a bit, but I’m still nowhere near completing it.

Do some push-ups and sit-ups to gain a little strength. 💪🏻 😉 Kinda! I did some towards the beginning of the month, but then I stopped. Life does the procrastination for you sometimes . . .


Finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling. Check! It was amazing – I finished it in a couple of days!

Read The Lord of the Rings – Part One: The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkein. Failed. You guys will be mad at me for this . . . I have yet to experience the wonders of LOTR! *sighs*

Read Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen. Failed. ‘Nuff said.

Read East by Edith Pattou. Kinda! It’s slow going, since I have to say that I’m not enjoying it as much as I expected, but it’s not so bad that I want to put it down. You know what I mean! Yes, of course you know what I mean. 😉


original image via


Finish fleshing-out my novel. This month, I’m going to focus on writing the characters’ ‘normal’, which means a scene from their daily life before my story starts.  I’ll try to not make it too boring – I might post them here, who knows?

Do the 10 ‘Character Thingamagiggers’, as I like to call it. Remember what I explained above about the ten things about each character that the reader will never know? *little lightbulb pops on above reader’s head*

WRITE. MORE. IN. MY. NOVEL. Every day! I want to write 2000 words this month.


Read the Bible EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. That way, I’ll read it most nights. 😉 And then perhaps progress into reading it every night . . . That would be a nice end to the day, don’t you think?

Finish my ‘Lisa Congdon Inspired’ drawing. I can do this!

Practice lettering. I really want to get better at it!


Try to finish East by Edith Pattou. I have a feeling that it’ll get more exciting soon!

Read The Lord of the Rings – Part One: The Fellowship of the Ring. LORTR, here I come!

Read Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen. To be realistic, I probably won’t get all of these books read by the end of December, since I’ll be going on vacation over Christmas, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

What are your goals for December? 


9 thoughts on “How I Did On My November Goals + December Goals

  1. Ohhh my goodness. You haven’t read LotR OR Pride and Prejudice?!! Jordan . . . *shakes head* Mr. Darcy is disappointed. 😂 Although seriously, my edition of LotR is exactly 1,031 pages not counting the Appendixes (which are really interesting!) so you might not make it to P&P, lol! ALSO PLZ DONT GIVE UP ON LOTR IN THE FIRST CHAPTER. Wayyy too many people do that. 😛


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